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  • Development history of Organic Chemistry

    Organic chemistry is a science of studying the structure, properties and reaction of organic compounds. What are organic compounds? On the earth that we live on, there are many colorful plants growing up with millions of different kinds of animals. Long ago, human beings understood how to obtain a variety of substances through simple processing of these animals and plants. For example, from sugar cane extract sucrose, rice or fruit juice brewing alcohol, vegetable oil and ash eutectic made soap, etc.. Since this kind of material is taken from the life and vitality of plants and animals in vivo, its nature and the variety of minerals we see completely different. Therefore, early chemists to the substance known as organic compounds, history also put this view called "the vitality theory".
    Ethanol CH3CH2OH, commonly known as alcohol, with the content of ethanol in the fermentation process of rice wine is about 10% ~ 15%; acetic acid, CH3COOH, also known as the acetic acid, in the edible vinegar content is about 3% ~ 5%. Early in the summer of our country, the Shang Dynasty (2205 ~ 1766 BC), there is a wine, wax record.
    At the beginning of the second half of the 18th century to the 19th century, along with the deepening of the exploration of nature of people, experimental means of initially improved, chemists have to from the natural flora and fauna in isolated many pure organic compounds. Such as urea, cream, morphine, etc..
    Urea (urea), also known as carbon amide. Colorless crystals, a large number of human and mammalian urine, can be directly used in the manufacture of explosives. 1773, Jules (Rouelle) for the first time found that the urea in urine.
    Tartaric acid (tartaric, acid) 2,3 two hydroxy succinic acid. Colorless prismatic crystals, are widely distributed in nature, especially in the most abundant content in Grape Juice. Tartaric acid which can be used for preparing drugs, fruit essential oils, can also be used as a tanning agent, etc.. In 1770, the Swedish chemist Scheele (Wilhelm Scheele Carl, 1742 ~ 1786) from the first time in the production of the product of the product of the first time to isolate the.
    Morphine (morphine), in 1806, Styna (Serturner) was successfully isolated from opium morphine. It has analgesic, sedative, inhibition of intestinal peristalsis and other effects, as an anesthetic, analgesic and hypnotic. Long term application easily addictive.
    The molecular structures and compositions of these organic compounds are more complex than those of inorganic compounds. At that time in the chemical industry renowned Swedish chemist Bodze Chis (J.Berzelius, 1779 ~ 1848) - vitality on the representative, had asserted, organic compounds could only be in vivo by mysterious "vitality" to. Baizelisi excellent student of German chemist Weiler (F.Wohler 1800 ~ of 1882) also sympathetically: "organic chemistry looks resembles a pristine tropical forest is full of temptation, and intimidating."
    However, it is also a brave entered the mysterious and boundless jungle. In 1825, Wheeler found made by inorganic acid and ammonia ammonium thiocyanate after heating will change into a kind of white powder solid. For this result, "for as long as 3 years of painstaking research. The research shows that the compound is the product of the metabolism of mammals. This is the first time that human beings were synthesized in the laboratory. In 1828, Wheeler irrepressible joy, wrote to his teacher Bodze Chis said: "I want to tell you, now without animals, not by the kidneys can be made from urea!"
    The artificial preparation of urea has a strong impact on the "vitality". It is proved that there is no essential difference between the organic and inorganic substances. At this time, the original definition of organic compounds began to shake. The study shows that the basic components of organic compounds are carbon, and then, the German chemist Ge Meilin (L.Gmelin, 1788 ~ 1853) in 1848, the organic compounds are carbon containing compounds, organic chemistry is the study of chemical compounds containing carbon. Since the artificial synthesis of urea, many organic compounds have come out in the laboratory. For example, in 1845, Ke Boer H.Kolble synthesis from acetate. In 1854, French chemist Bercero M.Berthelot synthesis of the grease. Therefore, people gradually abandon the "vitality theory". Instead, Ge Meilin's new definition of organic compounds is a carbon containing compounds. In fact, in addition to organic compounds containing carbon, there are hydrogen, oxygen, ammonia, sulfur, halogen and other elements, especially carbon, hydrogen and hydrogen. Therefore, organic compounds can be considered as hydrocarbons. Organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and other elements can be considered as a product of a hydrocarbon derived. Therefore, in 1874, the German chemist Olema (K.Schorlemmer, 1834 ~ 1892) and the organic chemistry is defined as the study of hydrocarbon and its derivatives.

    In organic chemistry theory and concept gradually the evolution time, chemistry in Britain and Birkin W.H.Perkin, 1838 ~ 1907) an accidental invention knock on the door of the synthetic dye industry, which for the study of organic synthesis also produced a huge role in promoting. In 1856. Perkin, only 18 years old, tried to methyl aniline compounds as raw material, synthesized through oxidation reaction with natural product quinoline antimalarial action. Now, this is very naive, because toluene amine compounds and quinoline in the structure have nothing in common. However, birkin is in the pointless attempts unexpectedly won the a dirty black precipitate, it dissolved in ethanol was showy violet solution soon confirmed the purple solution can be used as a dye, which is later known to the world of the aniline purple!
    Birkin acutely aware of this is a founder of the industry an excellent opportunity, he decided to resign from the Royal Institute of British, around to raise funds, opened the world's first synthetic dyes factory, specializing in the production of aniline purple. The production of aniline purple is the basis for the subsequent development of organic chemical industry, but also greatly promoted the research of organic chemistry and industrial production.
    As a matter of fact, in the invention of aniline purple Birkin in 20 years time, looking for new synthetic dyes have become the prevailing organic synthesis research hotspot. Following the invention of aniline purple shortly after, there are many other synthetic dyes have been developed, such as malachite green, crystal violet, indigo etc..
    Since then, organic chemistry has entered the era of synthesis. In the second half of the 19th century, people with coal tar as raw material not only synthesize large amounts of dye, but also prepared many drugs, explosives and other organic compounds. Such as three nitro phenol, three nitro toluene, aspirin, etc..
    Three nitro phenol, picric acid (commonly known as picric acid), can be used as a high explosive. As early as 1771, the British chemist P.Woulfe has been synthesized by picric acid, but was only used as a yellow dye. Until 1885, people only know how to fill the ammunition picrate.
    Three nitro toluene, commonly known as TNT (abbreviation for trinitro-toluene), is an important military explosive. 1863, by the German J.Wilbrand synthesis.
    Aspirin (aspirin), also known as acetyl salicylic acid for antipyretic and analgesic, this is human in 1893 first synthesized with medicinal value of organic compounds.
    The rapid development of organic synthesis provides a large amount of experimental data for the organic chemistry theory. People have clearly recognized that organic and inorganic substances, can be synthesized in the laboratory by experimental means, from the natural life of organic compounds is no longer the only way, organic compounds, this term is no longer with the original meaning, it is only due to the history and habits of the reason is still used today.
    Although there is no absolute boundary between organic compounds and inorganic compounds, the two are very different in composition and properties.

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