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    Office     Address:Sunmoon Science Park, 985 Xingzhong Road, High-Tech Zone, Bengbu, China
    Factory   Address:Mohekou Industrial Park, Huaishang District, Bengbu, Anhui, China
    Contact:Nathan Zhang

  • Application of silicone adhesive

    1. Protect your equipment

    Silicones can provide perfect sealing functions, protecting extremely sensitive electronic components and elements from external contamination or movement. This is important for ensuring the long-term stability and performance of many electronic products. In addition, silicone materials will not corrode or spontaneously ignite, meeting the most stringent safety and purity requirements in the production and manufacturing of electronic products.

    Silicones’ insulating properties help protect the circuits of televisions, computers and aircraft video displays from heat, dirt and dust. Silicones are also well suited for high-voltage applications, insulating above- and underground cables and power lines.

    2. Enhanced performance

    As electronic devices become thinner, smaller and faster, silicone's outstanding physical properties allow it to be used in new applications: high and low temperature stability, excellent insulation, strength, elasticity and toughness, moisture resistance, chemical stability, UV resistance and other environmental properties, and can bond and protect a variety of materials.

    3. Typical Applications

    Silicone sealants, adhesives and conformal coatings are used in circuits, connectors, capacitors, coils, transistors and picture tubes in most consumer and commercial electronic devices for the following applications:

    1. Cars

    Silicones insulate extremely sensitive automotive electronics. Silicones help protect electronic components at extreme temperatures and from humidity, salt and other corrosive environments. Silicones help ensure reliable operation of electronic components in air bags, body components, brake systems, ignition, fuel and air systems and transmissions.

    2. Aviation and aerospace

    Silicones can withstand the pressure and temperature extremes necessary in aviation and aerospace. Silicone adhesives, sealants and potting agents ensure that electronic components and systems function properly. For example, these materials protect electronic printed circuit boards from the effects of humidity and contamination.

    3. Communication

    Silicones seal, bond and pottage mechanical and electronic components in home and office equipment, including power transistor rectifiers and thermal switches. Keypads, keyboards and copier rollers are made of silicones - and hard coatings on computer, fax machine, telephone and home entertainment device housings are made of silicones.

    4. Cleaning and decontamination liquid

    Silicone emulsions are excellent cleaning agents that can remove residual cleaning materials from components of aerospace navigation systems, electronic equipment, and medical devices.

    5. Home appliances

    Automatic coffee machines, digital answering machines, microwave ovens, steam irons, stereo systems, televisions, washing machines, vacuum cleaners - the electronic components of nearly all household appliances are protected by silicones, which extend their service life. With silicones, household appliances are safer, more reliable and require less maintenance. Silicones also enable the creation of new "smart appliances" - electronic systems that are smaller and have more advanced functions.

    6. Microelectronics and microprocessors

    High-purity silicon (made from silicone) is essential for sensitive circuits. Technological advances have enabled increased processing power and reduced size, and increasingly compact electronic modules have placed higher demands on thermal stability and moisture resistance. Silicones can meet the changing needs of microelectronic devices, components, assemblies and systems in the integrated circuit packaging industry.

    7. Circuit boards and electronic modules

    Silicones are essential for the assembly and protection of finished circuit boards or electronic modules. A variety of silicone materials, conformal coatings, sealants and gels can enhance the insulation and chemical resistance of materials, and provide continuous protection against the effects of moisture, humidity, vibration, overheating, corrosion and radiation. Sealants, adhesives and primers can be easily manufactured with a variety of common materials including ceramics, reactive metals and filled plastics. This facilitates sterile and rapid mass production of electronic systems.

    8. Semiconductors

    Silicones can pottage and protect semiconductors, an essential component of nearly all electronic devices. High-voltage/power applications such as industrial motors, locomotives, and power supplies that require high-voltage switching; high-frequency communications such as cell phone base stations, satellites, and radar; and high-temperature applications in aircraft engines, oil drilling, and automotive electronics, including sensors that control fuel efficiency and emissions, all require semiconductors to operate.

    9. Electricity and power supply

    Power transmission depends on uncontaminated insulation to avoid costly and dangerous interruptions to power systems due to exposure to water, salt, sand or industrial pollutants. Silicones provide high-voltage insulating coatings to protect wires, power and communications cables. Silicone insulation ensures that underground and aboveground cables transmit high-energy electricity safely and continuously. Silicones' inherent durability extends the life of the material, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.

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